Coronaviruset // Trening for løpere og skøyteskolen stanses inntil videre. // All training for skaters and the skating school will be suspended for the time being.
Postet av Michael Bruteig den 12. Mar 2020
The Coronavirus // BSK Board has decided that all training for skaters and the skating school will be suspended for the time being.
Hi all ice skating friends with ice skaters or ice skating school children.
The board of Bærum ice skating club has decided to stop all organized training in the club in the ice hall for skaters and for the skating school.
The development of measures by the authorities and central organizations is becoming stricter and more stringent. The Public Health Institute requests that everyone who can, should contribute with contact reducing measures. These are measures that are important to reduce possible infection from person to person in the community, and thus protect the vulnerable groups. This is to contribute to the capacity of the health service to care for those who need it. Most skating events are canceled or postponed until later in the year.
Even though we now stop the organized part of training, the individual can still stay in shape of physical activity and exercise bare ground.
Changes to the training situation or other relevant information are shared on our channels to our members.
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